Ben 10 Hentia

Ben 10 Porn Story: ◦◦Embracing you CH.7

Ben 10 Porn Story: ◦◦Embracing you CH.7

Gwen stepped into a clearing with a small river running through it. She pulled off her shoes and slid her feet into the water. It made her feel calmer to be close to something she loved. Her mind wondered to Ben. How could it be that right when he returns her love, it’s only because he’s going to have a million other girls… okay! Ten thousand, but it was the same thing. He wasn’t just going to be with her… he was going to be with others.

Gwen lightly splashed the water with her foot and giggled when something brushed along the bottom of her foot. Gwen looked into the water to see two pure lavender eyes looking up at her. She reached down and pushed black hair from the forehead of a small child. The child whimpered and grabbed onto her hand. Gwen gently lifted it from the water and cradled it carefully. The child buried it’s face in her chest and whimpered lightly. She rocked it lightly and took in that it was male and only about three or four.

“Hey… it’s alright. Shhhhhhhhh.” the child sniffed and whined. She rocked it, “Where are your parents, little one?” he shook his head and sniffed again. Standing up she carried the child back to camp while talking softly to him. He just cried and whimpered in response to her.


Ben opened his eyes slowly and sat up. Blood rushed to his head and made his vision blur to black and stay that way for a few minuets. When his vision started to return he noticed that he was cooler then he was before, but the light hurt his eyes quite a bit. He felt like running to a dark cave and hide. Ben sat up a bit more and squeezed his eyes shut.

Felis giggled, Turn into wild mutt. It may help. he took her idea and soon he could feel himself change and was ecstatic that he didn’t hurt anymore. Ben closed his metaphorical eyes for a moment before he began to run. He knew who he was looking for, but the reality was that he could feel something evil, something dark that was with her.


Gwen fed the child an apple while Max and Verdona watched it happily. The child had been all smiles and laughter as Gwen talked and fed it. The poor thing seemed lost and scared, but he’d come around to Gwen rather quickly. Verdona was currently trying to get a name out of him, “Can you say your name? Huh, little one?” he chewed and giggled at her. Gwen giggled too, Verdona wasn’t much of a Baby Whisperer.

Max held out a ranch covered tomato slice to the boy, “Can you tell us your name, kiddo?” the boy seemed to think it over before saying clearly and cutely.

“Hex!” Max gave him the tomato and smirked.

“Must be short for Hector.” Gwen wrinkled her noise. That didn’t make sense.

“Wouldn’t it be Hec? Not Hex?” Verdona smiled and tapped the baby’s nose.

“We called Peter “Pat”. It was easier for him to say. This little guy may have a hard time pronouncing Hec or he may just pronounce it Hex. You never know.” Gwen nodded and nuzzled the chubby cheeks of the little boy in her lap. Just as she took up another apple for the boy to eat, Wild Mutt stormed into the camp cite. Hector started to cry and Gwen rocked him carefully as she glared at Ben.

“Your scaring him! Pick something more human!” Ben ‘looked’ at her blankly, “Ben!” his formed changed into that of an Anodite. Verdona gasped and covered her mouth.

“Dear Lord! You can become an Anodite?” Ben nodded and walked towards Gwen. She smiled and stood up to show him the baby. Ben nodded, but didn’t try to take it like Gwen had expected. Verdona giggled, “Don’t worry, love. Male Anodites are a little to powerful to hold children without their human hides. If he did hold that child, it could accidentally harm it.” Gwen pulled away a little, but Ben touched her arm as if to say that he wouldn’t touch the child.

This put Gwen at ease as she spoke, “We’re going to Washington, the state, soon. Grandpa has a friend there that thinks he knows what’s wrong.” Ben smiled and closed his eyes. Soon it was the regular Ben standing before them.

“Cool.” he opened his eyes and swayed from the pain and sick feeling that came to his stomach. The baby clapped his hands and said something in baby babble that Gwen felt she recognized, but she didn’t know where from.

Ben grabbed his head and moaned in pain. Max got up from his place next to Verdona and picked up their grandson. Verdona stood and opened the door for Max, “We’d better go, Gwen. Their were no missing child reports, and we asked all the campers around here. Lets take him with us and we’ll see if the cops call us back about him.” Gwen nodded and looked down at the child. For just a moment, she could have sworn his eyes turned red before going black again. Then again, with all she’d seen, it was probably just paranoia.

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