Ben 10 Porn Story: She Cares Chapter 4

Ben 10 Porn Story: She Cares Chapter 4

Chapter Four! It should be longer this time. Enjoy!


It wasnt as bad as I’d been expecting.

My parents remained blissfully oblivious to the alien amalgam in their basement, and I remained free to search for the spells I needed to help Kevin. Some of them had been successful, which was more than I’d been hoping for this early. Kevin had learned to be patient, and I got to the point where I even considered him my friend. It’s strange how harboring a fugitive alien in your basement for a while will change your outlook on life.

The trouble came a few weeks in.

I came home from school whistling- I was sure that after two consecutive misses, the spellchart I had picked up today was the right one. Kevin would be happy to know I wouldn’t be singing his flesh off tonight.

But the good cheer came crashing down on me when I spotted Grandpa Max’s bicycle in our driveway. That couldn’t be a good sign.

Sure enough- the minute I stepped through the door, I found myself enveloped in an enormous hug, the likes of which only Grandpa Max could give. “Gwen!”

“Uhh… Hi, Grandpa! What brings you here?” Please don’t let it be Kevin! Could he see through my forced calm? Probably. I was itching to get downstairs. For one, I wanted to escape the danger of Grandpa finding out, and I really wanted to test the new spell before my parents got home. If the spell didn’t work, there was no need for them to hear Kevin cry out in pain. But the spell would work. It had to.

Grandpa frowned, his expression clearly showing I was in trouble. “Come back to the Rustbucket with me.”

His tone and stance told me I couldn’t refuse, but I couldn’t just leave without letting Kevin know I had the spell, so I gave him the best excuse I had. “Let me drop my bookbag off in my room.” It sounded weak to me, even though I really did need to get rid of it. Thank heaven for a downstairs bedroom

Grandpa looked as skeptical of the excuse as I felt, but waved me on. What was I to do but take the opportunity and run with it?


Wasn’t there anything to do down here but surf the web and sleep?

I’d been doing a great deal of the latter, as the former involved the use of fingers that wouldn’t destroy the keyboard, a quality I currently lacked. So I had resigned murdering my back by sleeping on the concrete floor.

But I always woke up when Gwen got home. She had a creaky door. It was creaking now.

It was too early for Gwen to be home, though. Who was up there?

I couldn’t go up to check- what if it was her parents home early?- but I was sure I would go insane if I hust sat here. My imagination was running wild with images of some creep sitting up there, waiting for Gwen to walk in the door…

I was about to go up and check- for the sake of my sanity- when the door creaked again, signalling Gwen’s return from school.

“Gwen!” A man’s deep voice, in a welcoming tone.

So that was what this was about. I relaxed.

The voices drifted downstairs for a while, too low to be heard. Then they stopped, and Gwen’s familiar footsteps clicked down the stairs.

She immediately held her finger to her lips for quiet. As if I didn’t know that.

“I have the spell,” she whispered. “But my Grandpa’s upstairs. I think he knows something’s going on. I have to go with him.”

How had he found out? “Can’t you test the spell out first?” I was anxious to get out of this twisted body. Of course, I’d probbably only get a leg fixed. That’s how the others had gone- a tail removed here, a little bit of an alien off there. Gwen thought it was because she was a failure. I knew it was because the spells were only designed to desplice one type of DNA. It was shocking how much restraint a few nonsense syllables could put on the free flow of mana.

But she just shook her head. “There’s no time. Grandpa thinks I’m just putting away my stuff,” she informed me, and promptly dropped her bag on her bed. “Don’t destroy anything while I’m gone.”

I grinned. “I’ll try not to,” I promised, and gave her a quick hug before she darted up the stairs and out the creaky door.

It would probably seem strange to an outsicer- two years ago I could have killed Gwen without a qualm, and now here I was giving her hugs goodbye. But an outsider wouldn’t know what I went through to get to this point. To me, it made perfect sense to allow her into my life like this. After years of abandonment and rejection, she was the first to accept me. To accept her felt more than just right: it felt good and rare and precious.

One thing I didn’t get, though, was why she had accepted me. I had been completely willing to kidnap her or worse to get what I wanted. Yet she had come back to the Null Void for me, heedless of the danger. Granted, she probably didn’t know how close of a call it was, but it still didn’t make any sense.

Oh well. It was no use worrying about it. Gwen wouldn’t be home for a while. It seemed like a good time for a nap.


The bike ride over to the Rustbucket was a silent one, nervous on my part and introspective on Grandpa’s. I wasn’t sure whether to consider that a good or bad thing, but I was leaning toward bad.

“Sit down,” he told me when we arrived, and walked toward the clock. The place where he kept his Plumber’s gear.

Uh- oh.

“Can you explain this, young lady?” He placed the broken Null Void projector on the table.

I cringed. Had Julie dropped it that hard?

I was completely convicted that I would have to lie to Grandpa. I couldn’t let him find out about Kevin. But I needed time to stall, so I rambled.

“Now, before you get angry, understand that I had no choice. I had to do it. It was a matter of personal health.”

Still nothing. What was I going to do?

“I’m waiting,” Grandpa said sternly.

So I improvised. “I, umm… remembered I left my… laptop charger in the Null Void?” The excuse sounded weak even to me. I didn’t even have the same laptop anymore, and I sounded like I was asking a question.

“The truth, Gwendolyn.”

Oh, crap. This was bad. This was really bad.

Maybe I could tell him without actually telling him. “I’ve been having these dreams about a friend of ours who was trapped in the Null Void, and I really felt like I should be doing something about them. So I borrowed the projector and got Julie to help me get him out.”

I definitely shouldn’t have said that. “You brought Julie into this?! She could have been hurt! You could have been hurt! What were you thinking?” His face was turning a scary shade of red.

“I needed help! You wouldn’t have helped me!”

I had a point and Grandpa knew it. His expression softened. “Why didn’t you ask Ben?”

“I didn’t want him to know,” I murmured. Grandpa nodded as if he understood my situation perfectly.

He picked up the broken projector and returned it to its storage container. Then he brought me a piece of paper.

“What’s this?” I asked, eyeing the projector. It looked like a bunch of names and locations to me.

“There’s some really good spellbooks there,” he explained. “They’ve got everything- healing spells, disguise spells… transformation reversals…”

I frowned. “How did you know?”

He shrugged. “You talk in your sleep. Be careful, Gwen.”

“Don’t worry, Grandpa. I will.”

Kevin was awake when I got home, as usual. I wondered if he ever slept. He didn’t when I was around.

“Did everything go okay?” he asked, offering me a hug. It felt weird- hugging Kevin. But at the same time, it made me feel like I belonged somewhere. I stifled a laugh. What would my parents think if they knew I had a crush on the mutant hiding in our basement?

“Fine,” I responded. And it was fine. We could trust Grandpa. “Grandpa knows, but he’s not going to tell anyone. It’ll be fine.”

He frowned. “Are you sure? How do we know he’s not setting us up?”

I shoved him gently. “It’s my Grandpa. Don’t worry about it. Now, do you want to test this spell before my parents get home, or not?”

Kevin braced himself visibly, then smiled nervously. “Take your best shot.”

I wondered if he knew how nervous he was making me. I really didn’t want to hurt him, and it didn’t help that he acted like he thought I was going to. I was so worthless! Nonetheless, I took a deep breath and whispered the spell. “Moeilijke situatie!”

This time, it reacted exactly like when we’d removed stinkfly’s wings, or XLR8’s tail or Ripjaws’ glowlight. The blast of magic went directly for his right arm on the top. Diamondhead’s contribution to his amalgam.

It was all over before either of us had much time to think. Soon Kevin was sitting ungracefully on the floor, staring in awe at his human arm. Just like I was.

It was perfectly normal looking, if a little pale. But it seemed Kevin had always been pale. Its only problem was the fact it was merged to a disturbingly alien body. But it was progress. It was definitely progress.

“Yes! Thanks, Gwen! You rock!” It was as if he’d forgotten completely about those times the spells had gone wrong. I was going to remind him of this, but we were interrupted.

“Gwendolyn? I’m home!”

I rolled my eyes. “Coming, Dad!”

Okay, so… What’d you think? Quick note on the section on Kevin’s thoughts on magic words: First of all, does my explanation for why the spells only help some seem plausible to you? It kind of just came to me in Spanish this morning. Second, I totally think it’s true about the magic words restraining. Gwen doesn’t need them in Alien Force, so I thik they’re just superficial stuff half Anodite (what’s the official way to spell that, anyway?) humans came up with. Anyway, I’ll probably get the next chapter out quickly- I’m working on seeing if I can do 167 words in preparation for NaNoWriMo. In the meantime, enjoy!

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